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Maybe You Know My Kid, Third Edition

Identifying, Understanding, and Helping Your Child with ADHD.


"In her well-researched book, Mary Fowler offers parents an empathetic but no-nonsense guide to recognizing, understanding and helping children with ADHD.– New York Times”

20 Questions to Ask If Your Child Has ADHD

Parent's Guide to Identifying, Understanding, and Helping Your Child with ADHD.


Provides field-tested, pragmatic guidance in an easy-to-understand book.


Maybe You Know My Teen

Parent's Guide to Identifying, Understanding, and Helping Your Child with ADHD.


Brims with management strategies. Mary Fowler presents step-by-step guidance, along with in-depth personal stories and first-person guidance from leading experts in the field.

Mindful Discipline For Distress Learners: Chapter 11

Published in: Emotional Disorders: A Neuropsychological, Phsycopharmalcological & Educational Perspective


Strategies and techniques for promoting positive behavior and emotional regulation with students who may be experiencing emotional distress.

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