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Who I Work With and How I Can Help

school personnel

For School Personnel

Trauma-Informed Principles and Practices for Schools

Before Covid 19 rocked the world, a compelling need to help educators become trauma-informed and trauma-responsive existed. Now, with so many students and staff reporting excessive stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma symptoms, trauma-informed knowledge, sensitivity to the school community challenges, and knowing what to do is both essential and vital.

My Training Combines the Latest Research and Best Trauma-Responsive Practices and Strategies Along with Wellness Practices That Strengthen Resilience and Well-Being.

Related Topics: Trauma-Informed Teaching. Emotional Well-Being. Adverse Childhood Experiences( ACES). Difficult and Challenging Behaviors. Stress Management. Social and Emotional (SEL) Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).

ADHD—Best Strategies To Know and Use

Teaching students with ADHD can be hard, frustrating, and disheartening under the best of circumstances. While there is no quick fix for ADHD issues, problems are highly manageable.

In this workshop, you will learn what to do and how to use what you know to improve your students’ educational performance.

You may also find these strategies benefit your students without ADHD who have been impacted by the uncertainty and unpredictability due to the pandemic.

Want to know what to do and why? Which strategies to use when and how?
Content includes ADHD background knowledge, strategies for getting and maintaining attention, strategies for increasing on-task performance, and select strategies for student-specific behaviors.

Workshops Also Available on Resilience, Wellness, and Coping with Stress for Staff and Students.

For Parents and Children with ADHD

Knowing how to help your child be successful at school can be daunting. I provide consultations and will help you with work with your child’s school and teachers.

For Frontline Staff, Community Service Providers, Public Health Agencies, Helping Professionals, and First Responders

Help For the Helpers, Trauma-Informed Practices, Strengthening Your Personal Resilience, Workforce Wellness, and Coping With Stress

As part of the FEMA-funded disaster response crisis counseling program in my state, I had the honor of providing emotional support services to you, the frontline workers. Where would we be without you? From nurses to EMTs, mental health clinicians to health department staff, domestic violence workers to substance abuse counselors, you rose to the challenges, adapted, and kept on keeping on. Now, it’s time to fill your cup.

My workshops and consulting services provide you, the amazing helpers, with wellness practices and strategies designed to reduce stress and anxiety and help you reset, restore, and recalibrate.

To that end, I use a compassion-centered approach designed to take the focus from self-care to caring for self. No wordplay in that statement.

Caring for self is about developing a way of being, not doing. When we care for ourselves, the self-care comes naturally.

For Individuals

If You Are Interested in Learning Wellness Practices

Such as meditation, journaling, or stress management skills, consider my coaching services to support your efforts.

frontline staff
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